Sunday, October 24, 2010

Where Does Time Go?

So I completely forgot all about this blog. My last post was 4 years ago or something close to that - and HOLY has a lot changed since then.

Maybe tomorrow I will have time to write some stories down and tell you what's new. Even though I'm pretty sure that you don't care. :-P

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


I came across this website today and thought I'd share it with everyone.
I'm really not sure what to think about it - I haven't formed an opinion about it yet.

It's kind of a nifty idea though; to have a database of known cheating "significant others". I'm sure that it will serve a few people well at some point in their lives and hopefully save some heartache, but it seems a little unfair to others. The old adiom 'once a cheater, always a cheater' isn't strictly truth you know - although it can be a good guide in many instances.

Are you in it??

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Death to I.T. "DEATH, I SAY!!!"

Our IT department has now officially cut legs off the fun cat. They have 'redirect' orders up for lots of the webpages that I like to frequent during my busy days of work. Come to think of it - they probably used my favorites list as the basis for their list of banned sites.

I'm a big worksite surfer - I admit it. I know I.T. can check up on me, I know that they do, but no one has ever said anything to me, so whatever.

***If you read any of my previous posts you'll notice that 2 years after I gave notice I'm STILL working here!! (and without a contract to boot!).

A year ago one of the guys in IT showed me what they were going to do (as far as webpages being automatically redirected to the company home page) and I thought it was funny as hell because I assumed I'd be able to get around it somehow AND because it would confuse lots of other people ... but now I'm just mad! It's made worse because my home connection is on strike as well so I have to go to the library to check my stupid email.
They even blocked the Victoria's Secret webpage!! How am I supposed to shop online now??? I'm afraid to check which other ones are blocked just in case they see me on it and decide to chuck that one out the window as well.

What a bunch of fun-wreckers.

Sin City, Here I Come!

There is one good things about my husband watching too much CSI. It makes him want to go back to Vegas everytime he sees the beginning of that show. So off we go!
We were married in Vegas and now he has surprised me with a trip there this weekend for our anniversary.

This'll be the first time just the 2 of us have gone together and I'm really looking forward to it. The kids are mad though, because they "never get to go anywhere mom!!" I'll bring them back some cool stuff to placate their offended little selves.

Last time we went, I exhausted myself and spent 3 days sick in bed when I got back ("significant other" was NOT impressed!)
Note to self: try not to do that again.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I'm BARELY out of High School and already it's reunion time

Or at least that's how it feels. I can't have been out of school for 10 years already, can I? Good Lord - what have I done with the last 10 years? I feel like if I look hard enough I'll be able to find the missing years. It makes no sense to me, but I almost feel like I should check under the cushions on the couch. I think it must be a kind of panic setting in that makes me want to analyze this stuff.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

ah, bliss!

After being gone for the past 2 months (with 2 days off during those 2 months) my 'significant other' has made it back home. For now. You never really know when the office will call him out again (although historically it's always the next morning after he gets home from the LAST job!).

It's wonderful - having him home, I mean. 'Long distance relationship' is almost a cliche... but that's what we have - except we live together. It's interesting, to say the least.

For now, I'm just going to enjoy the fact that our whole family sits around the same table at supper time.

Friday, February 18, 2005

I don't remember volunteering for this

Yesterday I packed the kids onto the school bus, drove to town, worked all day and drove home. Fed cows, dropped my son off in town for a meeting/information session, drove back home, stuffed some toast in my mouth, drove to pick up the sitter, called the vet about our cat while on my way to pick up the sitter. Dropped sitter and youngest child off at home and raced back into town for MY course that I'm taking. Called 'significant other' for 2 minutes on my way into town. Called friend and asked them to pick son up from his meeting and drop him off at home with my sitter. Sat through course (a bit of a waste, I thought). Drove home, peeked into kids' rooms (they were sleeping), drove sitter home. Called 'significant other' while collapsing into bed. He fell asleep on the phone. I yelled to wake him up and we said goodnight.


waiting, waiting and more waiting

At this exact moment I am sitting in an office that isn't mine, behind a desk that doesn't belong to me, in a town I don't live in, while trying to provide tech support to the same company that I've been trying to make a break from for the past 6 months.
Sometimes I just have to shake my head and ask 'what am I doing here, exactly?' I've fixed most of the things I came here to look at - but I'm waiting on a phone call in order to put the last of everything in order. So here I wait. dum dee dum dum.

Maybe now would be a good time to ponder the soap opera that has become my life.
In the past year I have:
finalized my divorce (5 years after the fact!)
moved out of my house in town
moved in with my boyfriend
become a landlord
changed my address
changed my phone number
changed my cell phone # twice
sold my car
bought a freaking minivan
became a step mom
quit my job, agreed to keep my job, agreed to work part time and tried to quit my job again
helped my parents move farther away
become engaged
sent my youngest child to start school
learned how to run a tractor
learned to take care of cows (3 babies so far - and counting!)

What a lot of change.
My 'significant other' has been home for 2 days this year (NOT an exaggeration) and it's almost the end of February.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Nothing but crap

What a terrible week it has been for shopping! I bought 2 things online last week. I received them and ripped open the package and BOTH of them were broken.
The REALLY crappy thing is that they were 2 different things, from 2 different stores, bought on 2 different days. How unlucky can a girl get??

It pisses me off though because I feel like I wasted my time and energy being excited about purchasing them in the first place. Now I have to expend MORE energy to return them so I at least don't get screwed out of my money.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

a quick reflection...

I just typed a big blurb here but I hit "publish" and it disappeared.

If you are reading this, just pretend that I have written something poignant and touching right here. (I'll be in the other room crying over the loss of my latest insight)

Cheers all!